Monday, January 18, 2010

Welcome to "Juab Class of '67!"
Countdown to Class Reunion - 2012

45 years!


happy2Bme said...

I think Glenna has done a superb job of setting this up. Now we need to add more to it, but please be patient as this is something new to us! Our reunion will be in 2012--yes! It is my 60th birthday and I am the "baby " of the class, so let us value the friendships and times we get together or email or communicate. Fred White's mom, Ginger passed away last week and her funeral is Wed.Jan. 20 @ 11 am @ the Nephi North Stake Center. A viewing will be Tue.Jan.19 @ Anderson Funeral Home 6-8 pm and 1 hr. prior to services. Our hearts and prayers are with Fred and Sue(Provo), Vard and Diane(Nephi) and the rest of the family.

Susie Wetherell-Bogue said...

Glenna .... thank you so much for your creativity and patience in doing all of this. The pictures of the Class and commencement exercises are precious. And the music is awesome. We now need to get the word out to everyone to check-in here.

I would like all the class members to send me an e-mail with their e-mail address, home address and phone numbers. Pass the word along. I will coordinate the update of the Class Roster and as dates are set and planned we'll be sure to get everyone notified.

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