Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Class BBQ - July 17, 2010 at Hop Creek Hide Away

A few met at Hop Creek Hide Away for a BBQ on Saturday, July 17, 2010.  We appreciate the hospitality of the Steele's.  It was the perfect place to BBQ, visit and enjoy the cooler temperature!
We missed those who weren't able to be there.  Please come join us at the next gathering, maybe in October. More information will be posted later. 

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Class BBQ - July 17, 2010

We are doing a barbeque on July 17 @ HopCreek Hide-away. Thanks to the generosity of Linda Steele. It is located up Nephi (Salt Creek) canyon 5.6 miles from exit 225 east of Nephi in the direction of Ft. Green. It will be at noon. Bev will bring the hamburger, buns etc. We are asking for potluck from each of you ...and a donation to cover the cost of the meat etc. We still need emails and addresses so please spread the word. Please rsvp if you can. This is for JHS Class of '67 and their significant others.

We'd love to see you all...or pass this on to another Classmate.

If you think you'll be there please RSVP to either me or Donna.

Have a great day!

Susie Wetherell-Bogue


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

April Luncheon Invite...

happy2Bme said...

Just trying to get the message out about lunch on April 13 (a Tuesday)@ the Salt Creek Steakhouse in Nephi. We are aiming for 2 p.m. It is east of the freeway...a bit to the south. The address is 22 North Sheep Lane. It is the big log building. We are inviting all classmates and their SO aka best friend/children. Please email or call me at donnafowkes@aol.com or 801-277-3362.

February 7, 2010 6:46 PM

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Senior Class of '67

F. F. A. Sweetheart Ball

Senior Ball '67


Miss Juab

Student Body Leadership '67

Misc. Nebonian '67

Graduation, May 25, 1967

Greg Stuart, Larry Jarrett

Senior Year

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

In Memory of a President - 20 Jan 1961

Friday, January 29, 2010

Greg Stuart Family

Glenna and Greg Stuart
Stuart Family
Stuart Girls: l-r Tami, Sandy, Randi, Julie, Kristen
Grandchildren: Bella & Daniel Ward, Carson & Mitch Kendrick

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Message from Donna

happy2Bme said...

Hi, It is me again. I just want to thank those who have contributed. Life happens and we have to happen, too.(at least I do). Glenna and Emily have done a great job with their pictures. We are trying to stay in contact and make sure what we post is OK. If there are any problems or questions, please email me. donnafowkes@aol.com The music truly rocks!

January 25, 2010 9:23 PM
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